Friday, January 1, 2010

Long time no see

It's been a LONG time since I've posted. I have so much to say. My problem is then - I have too much for one post and then I put it off. It then becomes even more and then I'm overwhelmed.
I'm going to *attempt* to post daily. The theme on the blogger site is *BEST*. Maybe I'll follow that theme.
I skipped over Thanksgiving all-together:
We spend it with my family first and then head to Jeff's familys house.
It was an ineresting year this year. Not everyone from my family came. Mom tried to cut off her thumb. Someone had been drinking too much. It wasn't as great as it could have been. I won't go into detail because it doesn't deal with me.
We also spent lunch with my grandpa over the break. He came to my brothers house and my aunt came over. I have a hard time with him. I'm pretty angry with him. Him and my grandmother were divorced before I was born. He remarried. Growing up, both him and his wife would come over for Christmas Eve. We would exchange presents then. His wife quit coming after a while. She doesn't like us. That's fine, he used to still come. Then his eyes got bad. He cancelled Christmas. And for a while, my mom would make plans to go get him or see him somehow and he would cancel either the day before or the day of. That's what makes me so mad. He doesn't have to see me. But his 3 daughters? He should want to see them and should make time for them. He should fight to see them! It would make me so angry to see my mom & aunts let down every time.
I know I need to forgive that. He has been coming over the last year or so - more now that he has a great-grandson to visit. Maybe he's trying. I just can't help but remember the past. Maybe I should add him to my resolution list.

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