Wednesday, January 6, 2010


If you know me, you know I like to be involved in things. I'm in 3 different bunco/keno groups. I play softball. I want to start back into soccer. I'm starting classes in 2 weeks. I'd probably join anything else someone invited me to. :)
I don't want to miss out on the fun!! Life it too short to sit around at home. Don't get me wrong, I love being lazy and sitting on the couch watching Biggest Loser, the Office, or anything *I* like with Jeff (like last night). But I love doing things.
We recently started a new Bunco group on Monday nights. It has a few friends from a different group, some friends I knew before, some friends I connected with on Facebook (LOVE IT), and some Lakeview folks that I knew but didn't hang out with.
Can I just say - I HEART that group. They are a great group of girls. I love seeing them every month. I'm excited to get to know them better! They are all fabulous gals!

I love my other Bunco group as well. I was brought into that one by just one friend. They were a set group. It's harder to come into a set group, but they have been so welcoming. They are all very sweet and we always have a great time.

My Keno group is hilarious and fun! They have all been friends for YEARS. I was brought into that by the same girl as Bunco. They mostly work together as well. So they get to chat all day and they know each other's history and have been there through most everything. I feel a bit like an outsider looking in sometimes, but not always. They are pretty welcoming of new people.

I really enjoy all 3 groups. I would love to keep them all up even as I am taking 3 classes this spring. I hope to eventually get pregnant as well. I would still love to be a part of all 3 even as busy as that will keep me. Luckily, I have a great husband who is ok with that. (I even thinks he likes when I leave so that he can sit around in his funky socks)

Ok, so I couldn't find the sock picture. I'll keep looking!

Anyways, I just feel really blessed to have gotten involved with such great ladies!

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