Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Several things:
1. necklace
2. automatic sinks
3. weird dream again!!

I'll start off with my dream before I forget it. So Jeff, his mom, and me are puttering around Dallas. We are kinda on the outskirts of downtown and I see this water tower. I see a little girl come out of a door on the tower and someone drags her back really quick. Jeff and I set out to explore... no idea where his mom went from here. We get up there and see the door and we go inside and see this family living there. There are like 20 cots set up without sheets just in a row (like orphanages in movies). This family put blankets on 3 of the beds. There is also a tiny bathroom and a super tiny kitchenette area. So we are in there. In my dream I have to pee, but can't figure out how to fit into the bathroom. All of a sudden, there is a knock at the tiny door and this boy who is about 8 or 9 is there. I ask him where he came from and where his parents are. He said they were Indians. So he stayed with us. I guess we stayed there a while. Next thing I knew, that little boy was dying. I wanted to take him to the doctor, but the family in the tower wouldn't let me. Otherwise, someone would find out that they were living there. So the boy died. They buried him under the floorboards. Then I woke up.
Seriously. What is the deal with my dreams this week. Is it testing stress? Is it my lack of being able to sleep? Is it the time change? Is it because Jeff ate my secret santa gift? Who knows.
My mom got me this great badge holder. It goes around your neck. It has a snowman on it!! I love it! I'm already wearing it. I need one for year round too, once the season is over! The only problem... it drives me crazy. Having something weighing down the back of my neck is about to make me nuts! I'm going to power through it though. Maybe I'll even upload a picture if I can figure that out!!

So on Friday I was at Region 10 training. We had just gotten back from lunch and I stopped to pee. I went to wash my hands and they were automatic hand washers. Each time I put my hand under the sink it would give me about a second of water. Well, I use a lot of soap. And I like to make extra sure I have all the soap off. So I take a bit to rinse my hands. I couldn't get it to work again after that second of water. So I went to the next sink with my soapy hands. One more second of water. Then nothing. So I went back to the previous sink. One second. Then to the other one. I must have gone back and forth about 6 times. Thank goodness classes had started back up... I must have looked like a goober. Really though. What is the deal with that? Why don't they give you a little more water? Do they really need to cut you off when they feel it's enough? :)

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