Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Christmas time is here

The radios have started playing their Christmas songs! The teacher lounge at school has Christmas tablecloths up! I have my presents bought and wrapped! I'm ready!
A house in our neighborhood has had their lights up (and on!) for about 2 weeks now. I have yet to get a picture of it. I love the first house sighting of the year. Jeff has already told me I could put out Christmas decorations all I want but he refuses to put up the lights until Thanksgiving is over. I haven't gotten my decorations out yet though. I'll wait for him to help me :)
I can kinda understand about "don't ignore Thanksgiving"! But you know what? I can celebrate Thanksgiving even with lights on my house. I can celebrate Thanksgiving with a tree in my house and songs on the radio. None of that hinders my ability to visit with family and to be thankful for all that I have. It really doesn't.
I love everything about the Christmas season. I love the smells (already burning Christmas candles). I love the food. I love the sharing and the caring. I love that people are nicer (usually). I love that is brings people together and we can focus on one common ground - the birth of our Lord. I love that I get to decorate and shop and give presents. I love that it has it's very own songs.
* Except Jingle Bell Rock. I DETEST that song. Who made that? Yuck. *
I love wrapping presents and thinking about what my family and friends will say when they open their presents. I hate filing out Christmas cards, but I love that everyone who gets one from me will know I am thinking about them. And hopefully, for that moment, that makes them feel good.
I love making plans. I love making lists!
I don't love Christmas day. It's been getting better since I am not alot busier seeing Jeff's family as well. Christmas day is hard. We used to go over to my grandma's house. She had presents piled up to the ceiling and a giant tree in her tiny living room. Our family had to find seats anywhere we could. Mom, Marilyn, and I would sit on the floor (we still do!) We would get there at about 10 in the morning and leave at about 5 at night. It filled out whole day. I loved it! Now... it doesn't fill our whole day. Now we have time to think and to miss those not with us. I do not love that at all. This year I am going to miss my loved ones but I'm also going to focus on all the great things. Each year gets easier, but it will never be how it once was.
Wow... I don't want to end on such a sad note.
Here's a picture of my sweet girl.

(once I can get the darn thing loaded!)
And a picture of Raleigh all ready for Christmas. He sits in this basket constantly!

1 comment:

  1. Well, that made me sad. But I am glad you are doing better about it now. You do stay pretty busy on Christmas day now.
