Monday, November 9, 2009


I have weird dreams alot. Sometimes I remember alot of the details, sometimes I remember hardly any of it. Last night I slept horribly. I took a nap after church for about an hour (maybe hour and a half). That screwed up my already messed up schedule - thank you time change!! So I didn't fall asleep until after midnight. The neighbors dog decided to start barking at 2:45. Which in turn, made my dog start barking at 2:45. And of course, since she was up, she should jump down and pee too. So I was up then as well. So sometime in between 3:00 and 5:15 (alarm clock time) I had a dream about a hot tub.
I was at school working on testing stuff. I had my testing closet, but I kept putting cookies and peanut brittle on the shelves to save for test day. I had a giant office with a neat little waterfall. Someone came in to bring me a hot tub. It was huge. And made with pretty blue tile. They put it next to my waterfall. I had some people get in, but I didn't want to. There were piles of black stuff in it and I wanted it cleaned first. All of a sudden, me and a friend are touring some river in it. We are riding in the hottub in some touristy town that has water for streets (nope, wasn't in Europe). Our hot tub turned into a tiny raft at some point. We made it to some westerny looking hotel and got out of the hot tub/raft and went inside. We had to go up this giant red velvet staircase. There was an old timey wester lady in front of us and behind us. They were fighting and drew out their guns. I woke up. Boo on that.
Needless to say, I am TIRED!!

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