Friday, January 9, 2015

I love carbs

I do. I love carbs so much. If someone asks me where I want to eat, I always think in my head where I can get mashed potatoes. I love mashed potatoes. What's up with that. Why are they so good? Why can't I eat them at every meal?

Why is it so cold right now? Doesn't the weather know I gave up Dr. Pepper this week and am trying to get back into walking. How can I do that when my lips want to freeze off?!? I quit drinking Dr. Pepper again on Monday. It has been tough. This morning I woke up with a KILLER headache. This afternoon I popped some Advil and went for a walk. Take that, Dr.Pepper! (gosh I still love you though)

I don't know how it works for other people or why it is so darned hard for me. But these... these are my 20 pound shoes. If you see me wearing them, give me a high five! That means I am down 20 pounds :)

2015 has been good so far. I know we are only 9 days in but I feel good. Even with this terrible cough and congestion, I feel good.
I am excited about all the things I have coming up. I am loving the cold (minus when I am trying to walk in it). I love being in a HOUSE during the cold rather than the Cabana and portable heaters! I love all of the friends I have seen so far and plan to see soon. I'm just excited and looking forward to the rest of January.

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