Monday, December 27, 2010

18 facts about me

18 random tidbits about me

1. Inside my purse, you’ll discover: I have a ton of junk in there. Pens,
makeup, wallet, iphone, tylenol, hand sanitizer, bandaids, allergy meds, tums, tylenol, gift cards, nail file & polish, sunglasses, several lipglosses and chapsticks, lotion, gum, businesscards, gum, flash drive

2. My secret talent is: I honestly can't think of a secret talent.

3. If stranded on an island, the five things I could not live without are:
chapstick, phone, dr.pepper, pillow and blanket

4. On my nightstand you’ll find: lamp, water bottles, book(s), phone charger,
(right now a portable dvd player), picture of me & Jeff, remotes, ad for Bed
Bath & Beyond

5. When I grew up, I wanted to be: a lawyer

6. My worst job: I liked all my jobs alot. I guess when I worked at the
brokerage firm, I was the least challenged and knew that was not my lifelong

7. My comfort food: mac & cheese, ice cream and dr. pepper

8. Three songs on my IPOD’s most played list: Glee anything, Michael Buble, and

9. The three books that make me think of my childhood:-To Kill a Mockingbird,
Babysitters Club, and Sweet Valley High books

10.My favorite Chick Flick: Bridget Jones' Diary (watched it 3 times on Wednesday)

11.My favorite Chick Lit book: I like the shopaholic series, Nicholas Sparks (is
he chick lit? Somehow I doubt it), Jane Green, I love all chick lit!

12. My “must see” TV: Here goes - Glee, Hell's Kitchen, the Office, Psych, Good
Guys (yes, I'm the only one who likes it), So You Think You Can Dance, Big
Brother, How I Met Your Mother, Big Bang, House, My Boys, House

13. My Starbucks order: Non-fat Venti Iced Chai Latte with easy ice and salted caramel hot chocolate

14. My favorite curse word: Damn

15 My celebrity man crush: John Cusack

16. My celebrity girl crush: None at the moment

17. My writer crush: Sparks

18. My last meal before execution: Steak & Sushi w/truffle mac & cheese and ice

1 comment:

  1. Very fun and cute list! Babysitters club... Good memories!
    And I can't believe I have never tried the salted caramel hot chocolate before... That's on the menu? Sounds awesome!
