Friday, November 12, 2010

Can you believe it?

I'm posting again.
It's been a long time since I've posted. I did so well right after the new year. Then life got in the way.
I feel like I need something to keep me sane. I have taken on a lot of stuff this year. I'm sure it was too much but I'm not the type to sit around and wait. I'm impatient - I want things to happen right away.
I started my doctoral program for educational administration. I also started a certification program for my principal certification. As part of the doc cohort I take two classes a semester with the same group for two years. I'm also taking my cert classes so that I can become certified as soon as possible. Which means, I am taking 4 classes this semester. I thought it would be tough but I could do it. Obviously I am doing it but it gets to be a little much at times. Only 4 more weeks :) I will never take 4 classes a semester and hold down a more than full time job again!!
Sometimes I get so overwhelmed I just wonder if it is worth it. I know it is but when I am stressed out and have 4 papers due in one week, it makes me think. I have had less time for fun and family as well. Jeff has been great about understanding it and picking up the slack for the most part. Of course, I do freak out from time to time.
It's funny to me now when I listen to people complain about their jobs or their classes. I used to hear people complain about their 2 classes and how that is a full load. (or even 3) I hate it but I have a hard time feeling sorry for anyone now after what I've been through this semester. I can be empathetic still because I know exactly how it feels!
I have so much more to talk about. I will keep this one semi-short. :)

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