Tuesday, March 17, 2015



That just happened.

I've had my Nike app for 3 years and have walked a total of 461.1 miles. I've walked 305.2 of those this year. Which means, 155.9 of those are from the last 2 years. At the end of this week, I will have doubled my miles from the last 2 years. That's crazy. Crazy awesome.

Some days it is SO HARD to wake up or get my exercising in. I just want to sleep. Or lay in bed. I for sure don't want to get dressed and go all the way upstairs to workout and sweat. But then I do it. And I like it. I remind myself that I would hate myself later if I missed a day. So far so good.

This week is my spring break. I am actually loving it because I enjoyed last week with Maggie Lynn on spring break and now I get to enjoy mine with her in MDO. With that said ... off to nap.